Pete, great insight. I'm picturing the scene in "The Fellowship..." where Gandalf bows up on Bilbo for not giving up the ring - sweet old firework-lighting wizard becomes holy crap, you're a terrifyingly powerful wizard.
"The devil doesn't want us to think. He wants us to feel our way through all of life." Wow. That hit me. I'm giving a presentation at a security conference this Friday on Crisis Intervention in the Church Security Setting, and I'm gonna quote you on that one! Hope you don't mind.
Wonderfully convicting.
Pete, great insight. I'm picturing the scene in "The Fellowship..." where Gandalf bows up on Bilbo for not giving up the ring - sweet old firework-lighting wizard becomes holy crap, you're a terrifyingly powerful wizard.
"The devil doesn't want us to think. He wants us to feel our way through all of life." Wow. That hit me. I'm giving a presentation at a security conference this Friday on Crisis Intervention in the Church Security Setting, and I'm gonna quote you on that one! Hope you don't mind.