Pete, this is definitely a discernment topic for pondering... I think your argument makes great logical and scriptural sense - in fact, the only other synonym that pops up for envy is covetousness. That said, it's interesting to look at the NT usage where the Greek is the root of "zealous". Most often in the NT, jealous has a negative connotation (Gal 5:20, James 3:16). Envy and covetousness are assuredly sin, and I love your applications of how we can be appropriately jealous, but I wonder if there is a third use that needs a word...?
My very good friends went to Iceland for their wedding anniversary, and I was keenly ________ . I certainly rejoiced with them. I enjoyed seeing them amidst the beauty in their pictures and at no point had any ill will. I spent zero time ruminating on my not going and never ceased praising God for every anniversary with my wife no matter what we've done or not done to celebrate. But I also didn't "own" that trip or their enjoyment of Iceland. My words to myself would have been "So great for them, that would be so great for us" and I might even say to them or to my wife, "Man, I'm jelly! So cool!".
Maybe I "own" the spiritual/relational connection between my good friends and I, my wife and I and travel and I, and the confluence of all of those gives me a health "jealousy" to want to experience that because I know how great those three things have been in the past...? Pondering... I'm sure more than you wanted, LOL...
Pete, this is definitely a discernment topic for pondering... I think your argument makes great logical and scriptural sense - in fact, the only other synonym that pops up for envy is covetousness. That said, it's interesting to look at the NT usage where the Greek is the root of "zealous". Most often in the NT, jealous has a negative connotation (Gal 5:20, James 3:16). Envy and covetousness are assuredly sin, and I love your applications of how we can be appropriately jealous, but I wonder if there is a third use that needs a word...?
My very good friends went to Iceland for their wedding anniversary, and I was keenly ________ . I certainly rejoiced with them. I enjoyed seeing them amidst the beauty in their pictures and at no point had any ill will. I spent zero time ruminating on my not going and never ceased praising God for every anniversary with my wife no matter what we've done or not done to celebrate. But I also didn't "own" that trip or their enjoyment of Iceland. My words to myself would have been "So great for them, that would be so great for us" and I might even say to them or to my wife, "Man, I'm jelly! So cool!".
Maybe I "own" the spiritual/relational connection between my good friends and I, my wife and I and travel and I, and the confluence of all of those gives me a health "jealousy" to want to experience that because I know how great those three things have been in the past...? Pondering... I'm sure more than you wanted, LOL...