In 1998 I was depressed to the point of suicide. I had written my note to my wife and my young son and daughter.
My plan was to take the vacuum cleaner hose and duct tape to a house we were remodeling and was empty. I would attach it to the gas line in the utility room and die there. As I was gathering the tape and hose, my wife returned home unexpectedly for something she had forgotten. It stopped my attempt but not the depression. After 3 weeks in the mental hospital and a few ECT treatments I was better. My seven year old son told mom, “finally my prayers were answered”. I think back on that day and how God used my wife to save my life and how the prayers of a child brought me home. I have been well since then and have watched my children grow up, marry wonderful God chosen partners and I now have a beautiful grandchild from each of them. How different everyone’s lives would have been if not for my wife coming home that day. I am a physician and my experience has given me a special bond in treating my depressed patients.
Thank you Peter Heck - truly - and you don't have any idea how much... I needed to read this - and I'm a born-again, spirit-filled Christian - The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Thank you for your thoughtful reminder that "even" Christians deal with depressive disorders. Far too often the church does teach that just a little more prayer and a few more chapters of the bible each day will get us through. But, it's just not true. Those things can't hurt, but sometimes it takes a loving friend, or even a friendly face at the grocery store to lift us up. Prayer is such a loving act. I know I couldn't get through an average day if I didn't have a huge team of prayer warriors behind and beside me!!
@peterheck Thank you for this beautiful reminder that we are called to strive to be like Christ in all things and to all people, even and probably especially those we may feel aversion. Everyone - especially now - needs a kind word or sincere smile; some form of encouragement.
I’m listening to a wonderful podcast with Jordan B. Peterson talking with Chloe Valdary who has created a program entitled Theory of Enchantment that strives to teach people to look for the Child of God in each of us. Here are her main teaching points:
Treat people like human beings, not political abstractions.
Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down or destroy.
Root everything you do in love and compassion.
It’s a beautiful concept that I hope catches and spreads like wildfire, because it is desperately needed right now. I wanted you to be aware of Chloe and her program because I think it would resonate deeply with you.
In 1998 I was depressed to the point of suicide. I had written my note to my wife and my young son and daughter.
My plan was to take the vacuum cleaner hose and duct tape to a house we were remodeling and was empty. I would attach it to the gas line in the utility room and die there. As I was gathering the tape and hose, my wife returned home unexpectedly for something she had forgotten. It stopped my attempt but not the depression. After 3 weeks in the mental hospital and a few ECT treatments I was better. My seven year old son told mom, “finally my prayers were answered”. I think back on that day and how God used my wife to save my life and how the prayers of a child brought me home. I have been well since then and have watched my children grow up, marry wonderful God chosen partners and I now have a beautiful grandchild from each of them. How different everyone’s lives would have been if not for my wife coming home that day. I am a physician and my experience has given me a special bond in treating my depressed patients.
Thank you for reminding me.
Thank you Peter Heck - truly - and you don't have any idea how much... I needed to read this - and I'm a born-again, spirit-filled Christian - The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Thank you for your thoughtful reminder that "even" Christians deal with depressive disorders. Far too often the church does teach that just a little more prayer and a few more chapters of the bible each day will get us through. But, it's just not true. Those things can't hurt, but sometimes it takes a loving friend, or even a friendly face at the grocery store to lift us up. Prayer is such a loving act. I know I couldn't get through an average day if I didn't have a huge team of prayer warriors behind and beside me!!
Amen. Thank you Peter. So many of our friends and loved ones are struggling and we need to be there for them.
@peterheck Thank you for this beautiful reminder that we are called to strive to be like Christ in all things and to all people, even and probably especially those we may feel aversion. Everyone - especially now - needs a kind word or sincere smile; some form of encouragement.
I’m listening to a wonderful podcast with Jordan B. Peterson talking with Chloe Valdary who has created a program entitled Theory of Enchantment that strives to teach people to look for the Child of God in each of us. Here are her main teaching points:
Treat people like human beings, not political abstractions.
Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down or destroy.
Root everything you do in love and compassion.
It’s a beautiful concept that I hope catches and spreads like wildfire, because it is desperately needed right now. I wanted you to be aware of Chloe and her program because I think it would resonate deeply with you.