As President Joe Biden’s term mercifully comes to an end, there are so many stories that are now emerging about how many people knew just how impaired he was from very early on…and for the sake of politics and power, said nothing.
According to a Wall Street Journal report based on 50 separate sources inside D.C.:
Starting shortly after he was sworn into office, staffers noticed the President was beginning to cognitively decline. His inner circle limited his access to his own cabinet officials, carefully planned his public interactions, and prevented staffers from giving him negative press briefings.
In one sense, it was the country’s worst kept secret. We all knew it because we could all see it. But in another sense, it was the country’s most painfully attempted secret – the lengths to which so many were willing to go to dispute the obvious was incredible. It included vicious attacks and accusations against anyone who would point out how naked the emperor was, when those scathing words and condemnation should have been reserved for those closest to Joe Biden who continued to promote his (and our country’s) public humiliation.
After one particularly embarrassing moment at a Democrat fundraiser where former President Obama had to physically lead Biden to the exit, I wrote in an article,
It's not funny; it's scary for him and for our country.
It's not a strategic political move; it's heartless, cruel, and exploitative.
The continued professional elder abuse that is being committed against Joseph R. Biden is too much, and people of conscience (left or right) should have the moral courage to say so.
And that’s precisely what our country lacks these days. Moral courage.
Seeing the video montages of key media personnel as well as administration officials willing to lie through their teeth about something so serious (we are talking about the man with his finger on the button, after all), videos like this…
Or this…
…it makes any sane person ask what is going to be done to hold those individuals accountable for the intentional deception. It makes any moral person shake their head and lament that this is now the state of affairs in our country – where this type of deceit is not only expected and normalized among our leadership class, but where it is defended by almost half the country simply because the people doing the lying are on our “team.”
And that’s not all. As long as we’re talking the state of our union right now, I’m honestly not sure how long it’s been this way, but the recent barrage of presidential awards being handed out by this White House has been more than disconcerting. In fact, it reveals just how bad things are.
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The Presidential Medal of Freedom, known as the “nation’s highest civilian honor” bestowed by the country’s president, was recently wrapped around the necks of some of the most morally stunted figures in modern American politics:
George Soros: A billionaire progressive activist who has funded anti-American, and anti-Semitic causes with his wealth. Soros was born a Jew, but his wealthy Jewish father bribed Hungarian Nazis to consider George his “Christian godson.” Soros spent his teenage years confiscating the property of Jews who were sent to concentration camps. Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes pressed Soros on this fact in an interview.
Kroft noted, “While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps, George Soros accompanied his phony Godfather on his appointed rounds, confiscating property from the Jews.”
When he quizzed Soros about it, the then 68-year-old billionaire laughed it off, claiming he was a teen and that someone would have done those things anyway even if he had personally refused to participate.Hillary Clinton: It’s hard to imagine a single political figure who has been embroiled in more scandals and shady conduct than this former First Lady. The Benghazi tragedy, Travelgate, the shocking death of Vince Foster, Whitewater, the Clinton Legal Defense Fund scandal, the Filegate enemies list, Chinagate, Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest, and so many others. This of course doesn’t even mention the horrific public policy Clinton promoted for decades.
Bill Nye: The failed comedian with an engineering degree who started a kid’s science show, only to trade his clean image and fame in order to become a virulent and angry atheist who headlined anti-Christian conventions, mocked believers with regularity, and then became a sold-out proponent for transgenderism and sexual experimentation on children...yes, that Bill Nye got a medal. A far cry from the tv show that brought him fame, his Netflix program was an exercise in vulgarity and perversity. I’d link his lewd performance of “My Sex Junk,” one of the most disturbing, disgusting musical numbers he produced on that show, but I’m afraid you might actually watch it.
And the list goes on and on. These are the people our country now happily promotes and celebrates with highest distinction.
That’s why I’m really not kidding when I say there’s no reason to regard our culture as any different than Sodom, Corinth, or Rome. We Christians are living in a perverse society, a corrupt and godless land, where evil is called good and good is called evil. That is undoubtedly depressing to some of us who have grown up loving this land and all the opportunity we’ve enjoyed here. And there’s no reason to stop praying for America; there’s no reason to stop praying for revival and repentance; there’s no reason to stop taking advantage of the glorious opportunities of freedom and religious liberty that we still enjoy.
It's just also important that we not live by lies. That we are honest about where we are and what surrounds us. Sometimes I think we try to ignore it because we fear what it might mean if we acknowledged we’re living in a land that taunts and mocks God and His created order. But that’s who our people have chosen to become. It’s what America now is. That shouldn’t be surprising given that it is the way of every earthly kingdom, but I’m hoping it’s also a reminder why we can be so glad we claim no citizenship here.
My home is another place, my King on the greatest of thrones. And those of us who belong to Him are not abandoned, we are not without hope, we are not without purpose no matter who or what gets celebrated here.
Why? Paul shared the answer to our brethren who lived in Corinth:
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
Stand firm, Christian. Stand for what is right, just, and holy. May we not swear allegiance to anyone but Christ. May our witness not be tainted by a willingness to condemn the evil only when it appears on the “other side.” May we regard our current condition precisely as we were told to regard it: as strangers in a strange land, foreigners and exiles in a crooked and depraved generation.
Let man wrap his worthless medals around the necks of degenerates and deceivers. May you and I contend for the faith that one day yields an eternal crown of righteousness to be worn in a land of glory without end.
Happy birthday Peter