I’m sending this out to everyone – paid and free subscribers – today because the video that we pick apart in today’s vidcast is just too unbelievable to not let you all see. If you want a view of the dark, unregenerate heart of man apart from Christ, this is a good look at it. New York Magazine’s “The Cut” just put out a viral video that is a perfect demonstration of exactly what we Christians know about the way sinful eyes will see their fellow man.
I play that horrible video and then address it in today’s vidcast below. If you’d rather just listen to this piece, you can download the mp3 to your device right here. The transcript appears under the video.
Just a reminder to free subscribers that if you upgrade to paid, you receive one of these video lessons each week, along with the written Memo, and a 5-minute Bible teaching clip of mine. We’d love to have you upgrade and be part of our community of Christians trying to equip ourselves to engage a lost and dying culture.
Okay, here’s the vidcast (WARNING…I cleaned up and blurred out curse words and dirty words in the video included, but one is more intelligible than I want it to be even after the censor, so I apologize):
Transcript: This is insanely racist
Thur, Nov 4, 2022 : Peter Heck
NOTE: This is an automated transcription, please overlook typographical and grammatical errors.
(Begin transcript)
Well hello again welcome to another vid cast with me Peter Heck, I gotta tell you this is just kind of out there, isn't it? The microphone. Typically I try to hide it like in a button up or something like that but here, there it is, everybody can see it. So hopefully it still sounds alright.
There's a magazine called The New York Magazine and it has a special feature that goes along with it. It's a publication, basically this is all online although they do have some print material. But this publication affiliated with New York Magazine is called The Cut. Now I've seen through the years various pieces and articles that come from that. Here's how the Cut bills itself: The Cut is a site for women who want to view the latest fashion trends – which is obviously why I'm checking it out – the latest fashion trends, to read, check this line out, provocative takes, provocative takes on issues that matter from politics to relationships. I gotta be honest with you: provocative takes is certainly one way to describe what they just released online. Take a look at this.
VIDEO: What are white people superior at? They're real good at violence, violence, in like stealing people's lives just because they feel like if you are white, and you know this is happening, and you say nothing, then you're a killer to what exactly are white people compare? Insecurity pretending fear being a fearful of nothing being ignorant blame, letting their egos control their every move. Superior at being, what exactly are white people superior at? Oppression, gaslighting, lack of empathy, intellectualizing oppression, did I say oppression? What exactly are white people superior at? Taking what's not their’s, taking, stealing our ideas? Copycat gentrification, appropriating things that do not belong to them, taking over other people's cultures and making you believe that they invented it. Maybe they're thinking of it as repurposing it's like, recycle and repurpose. As my grandma was saying, them white folk, they'll take it if you don't copyright it. They are very good at destruction of land, destruction of people, destruction of humaneness and whether you're different, whether conservative, like white people are really good at upholding white supremacy. How about claiming that, you know, they are actually a whole separate race, when actually white DNA comes from the black female. So what exactly are white people superior at? Lying, stealing and cheating, manipulation, withholding information, lying, telling lies?
Peter: Okay, we are in an era now where it's not just racial minorities, but really, people across the width and the breadth of our political spectrum across our culture, that they are comfortable with saying and doing these kinds of things that, if you would have gone back a few decades, everybody would have thought you don't say things like that. Using the language that would never be deemed acceptable if it was applied in any other direction. What do I mean by that?
Well, I want you to imagine that same video being produced by any organization by any publication that started off like this. What exactly are Native Americans superior at? Or what exactly are Hispanic people superior at?
VIDEO: Smelling funky, insecurity, pretending, fear, being fearful of nothing, being ignorant, blame, letting their egos control their every move. Privilege, playing the victim, congratulating themselves over $#%! that they're incompetent, or should have already been done?
Peter: And what exactly are Asian people superior at?
VIDEO: Oppression, gaslighting, lack of empathy, intellectualizing oppression, did I say oppression, smelling funky, creatively thinking of new ways of like always staying one step ahead of other people.
Peter: What exactly are black people superior at?
VIDEO: They’re real good at violence, violence, just like stealing people's lives just because they feel like taking what's not theirs, taking, shaking our ideas. Smelling funky, lying, stealing and cheating, manipulation, withholding information, lying, telling lies. They are very good at destruction of land, destruction of people, destruction, of humaneness.
Peter: In any rational context, those answers, and really it's not just the answers that would be deemed this way. But the questions themselves would be. How would they be regarded? At best, those questions and those answers would be seen as insensitive. But let's be honest, in the culture where we are, at worst, in any of those other contexts, they would be held out as a sterling example of blatant racism.
But again, because we are now in an era where you take the majority race, the majority predominant race that exists in the culture – they then can be subjected to aspersions, they can have aberrant conduct and aberrant language directed towards them. And somehow in our warped cultural mindset, in the spirit of the age, that is no longer considered what it obviously is in any other context.
Now from a scriptural standpoint, because as Christians, we kind of separate ourselves from the world in general and worldly thinking. Certainly from a worldly perspective, you could look at that and say, well, that's hypocritical. That's inconsistent. Why is one race being treated this way, but all of the others would not be? Or why do a couple races get treated that way? So that's the way the world is going to assess what is right and wrong.
As Christians. From a scriptural standpoint, this is all abhorrent thinking, this is all repugnant. Reprobate minds are where you come up with ideas like this, because from a biblical perspective, all humans are descended from Adam and Eve, and therefore we're all related. All humans, every single one of us regardless of race, regardless of ethnicity, or our creed, or language, whatever it might be. We're all guilty of sin against God, and none more so than any other. We're all in the same boat. Therefore, we're all in need of the salvation that is offered through Jesus Christ alone.
From a biblical perspective, there is one biological race, we call it the human race. Acts 17:26 refers to us as one blood, we are one people, we are descendants of Adam and Eve. And even if you want to take it down even more, we’re descendants of Noah or one of his three sons. That's who we are. All the various races, all of the various ethnicities, all come from those original parents of the family. By the way, it's not just biblical that you see this.
This is another one of those places where what we study in science actually validates what scripture has always taught. Funny how that happens. But our studies of the human genome have confirmed this reality that all of the human race is related. So biblically, and scientifically, there is no defense of racism or the belief of racial superiority. In fact, I've even said, and I don't know how this is taken sometimes, but racism is one of the dumbest things in the world. There are so many reasons, and be careful how you interpret this, there are so many legitimate reasons to dislike people. There's a lot of reasons that – they're annoying, or they rip you off or they, you know, have a history, whatever it might be. There's plenty of legitimate reasons to dislike someone. But the melanin in their skin? Man, that’s just lazy, it's dumb.
Incidentally, there is a worldview where racism actually does make sense. And that's Darwinism. If you understand the basic Darwinian plot, the Tree of Life, well, here's what we understand in all of these various branches. This is the original ball of goo down here that everything came from. That is your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandpappy, right there. Kind of look just like him, don't you? Anyway. So we understand that all of these things over time branched off.
And let's just take one of the animals we know. Over here, that is the horses. As the horses are coming down, there's all of these various breeds of horses. And they all die off. What's that called? It's called the survival of the fittest, and in the branch, that some species are further evolved than others. And it's this constant struggle for the preservation of races – that’s what Darwin said, that's the original title of his book. And so if all of these things, like you've got monkeys that are descending down this path here, and you have some monkeys that are further evolved than other monkeys, and so they'll kill those off, and they will move on. Okay, if that's true for this, and this, and this, and this, and this, and this, all of these things, that this iteration of a species is further evolved than the previous one. Why isn't that true for this one as well? For human beings? That there are some human beings, some human animals that are further evolved down the line than other human animals?
Well, that's exactly what Darwin believed. That's why he wrote in his book, The Descent of Man, that Australian aborigines and dark skinned Africans were closer to orangutangs, were closer to apes than Caucasians. We don't talk much about Darwin's virulent racism, but it's also where Hitler found a home. His whole point was that the master race, that the Aryan race was further evolved than all of these mongrel races that could be at best the servant class. And if Germany wanted to rise to the top, which is what he was promising, the German people will rise to the top, we got to get rid of the drags on society. So there is a philosophy where racism finds a home and it's Darwinism, and our society has been indoctrinating young people into this religion for decades, for generations now. And that's going to have consequences.
And the kind of racism that you just saw in that video, it could be one example of the consequences that come from ingraining this false teaching, this false religion in kids. Might be, but it's also something else. What it demonstrates to me is hatred and the decaying influence of sin, as it exists in our lives. And that's what you and I realize as Christians. I watched that video earlier that I showed you. And for whatever reason, my mind doesn't gravitate towards wanting to blame some of the influences of the neo-racists like this guy Ibram X. Kendi. He's a, he's a grifter. He's making a lot of money peddling a bunch of nonsense, and he knows it, I think he does. But he's also making a lot of money. And so that's what he's in it for. And I know, some people will blame him.
And certainly people are picking up his language and using it, but I don't even really think of the neo-racism of this movement that we call anti racism. I don't really think that's the root cause. I have other questions. When I look at that video, when I watch that video, I've got questions like, “Why are people in that video, why are they even comfortable saying this?” Yeah, they know they're not going to get in trouble, because you can say that about white people. That's not what I'm talking about. “Why are their consciences okay with speaking of their fellow human beings in that manner?” What has to go wrong in your conscience?
I would submit to you that that's only possible, not just because of the petty differences that we have with people over politics, I would suggest to you it's because of the dark and the unregenerate heart that we have outside of a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. And that's why I see in this kind of video, and, and this kind of, of hatred that you see on display. It's why I see a blatant flagrant appeal to us. And by that I mean, Christians. It's one thing for us to be politically engaged and try to restrain the kind of public policy that those minds enact, whatever it might be, neo-racist policy. Okay, that's bad, and we should stop it. But man, that's just the beginning. That, to me is surface level stuff. Of course, we want to stop the bad policy. This is something bigger.
There's a deeper responsibility that we all have as Christians to, number one, where it exists in our own hearts, in our own minds, we have to purge that kind of corrupted, contaminated view of our fellow human beings. And then the second thing, you and I need to work to expose the places that that contaminated and corrupted view of humanity exists. And we’ve got to expose those places and those people in whom it resides to the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's the only thing that changes what you saw in that video. Interested in your thoughts, send them my way, and I'll see you next week for another vidcast.
End transcript
It is just sad that we all fall for these deceptions. Whether they are the creation of our own intellect or they come from others, we all live to see someone else as the bully and not ourselves. We should love one another and when we have loved those around us as Paul urged, we should abound still more in love. The world has a different form of love because it loves the darkness, but we should all love the light because it means we are in the presence of God.
Amen! It’s so important to not only speak out & hold accountable those in the public forum who would spread this hate but to also conduct our lives so people can see Christ in us individually. Thank you, Peter, for continuing to speak out so eloquently.