One of the biggest burdens I carry as a believer is the nagging guilt that I need to be reading my Bible more. Don’t get me wrong, I make an effort, but life gets in the way. I know that speaks poorly for my priorities, but there’s no sense in pretending I don’t want to do better in that way. This last week, we looked to lift that burden by transforming the study of God’s word into the joy that it should be for all of us. And it starts with letting go of the check boxes. Take a listen to this clip and see if it can help you.

We publish these message clips every week in an effort to help disciple those wanting to grow deeper in the word and closer to Christ. If you’d like to join us and support our ministry, I’d be thrilled if you’d consider being part of our paid subscriber group:


If you’re interested in seeing the full message, you can do so here.

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